Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who is Wilma if she doesn't have Fred?

My husband has been gone for 2 whole's been 37 hours and 32 minutes since he was last home, but who's really keeping track, right?! It's been sort of a planned vacation of sorts...he planned to be gone and I planned to spend some good quality time with my lovely children. Together we were going to paint my bedroom, put up a new backsplash in the kitchen as well as a fresh coat of terra cotta paint on the walls....!

How is that going, you may ask.... There has been no quality time - unless you counted those precious minutes where I locked myself into my bedroom to get away from the chaos! Painting...yeah right! One wall of my bedroom has been completed ....a strip of wall in the kitchen has a tinge of terra cotta on it and after going through a tube of Liquid Nails, a container of silicone caulk and teaching new cuss words to anyone in a 5 mile radius, I've said to hell with the backsplash as well! Nope, the Burk Family Remodeling Business has closed its doors before it even started! There was no fun-filled trips for an ice cream or play-time at the park....just a lot of good, old-fashioned motherhood burn-out!

Why do I always have such good intentions but end up falling short of the mark all of the time? Have I bit off more than I can chew? Am I the quintessential idea gal with no ability to follow through? Possibly....maybe....or I propose that I'm just not the "fun" one! Sure, I'm the advice-giver, owie-fixer, dinner-creator, but when it comes to an all-out knock down, drag 'em out good time, it just ain't me! When the kids want fun, they look for Dad....and it's obvious that he's been absent for a bit. I used to be fun, at least I thought I was! Now I'm running behind kids telling them to quit jumping on the furniture, turn the tv down, pick up after themselves....oh my God, I've become my mother! Is it age? Responsibility? Is this the way of the world for families these days? Or quite possibly, is this just us?

Maybe that's why Chad & I have the relationship we that timeless couple Fred & Wilma. We complete each other and when we're together all is well with the masses, when one is gone the ship just doesn't stay afloat! Well, all I can say is that right about now I'm missing the captain of this boat....only 10 hours and 43 minutes until he's home, but who's counting!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that you are very lucky to have that calm with Chad in the house, when Clint is gone the kids are so much I think that is b/c Clint is such a kid himself!
