Friday, July 24, 2009

Evan Alan - 3rd in line

Almost six years ago when Evan was born (or just moments before he was), the nurse had to literally hold him in because the doctor was taking his sweet time getting to the hospital.....that is the ONLY time in Evan's life that he has allowed anyone to hold him back from anything! Evan has been going full-steam ahead with guns blazin' ever since and I don't see anything in the near future slowing him down!

Evan is a very determined little guy that finds his way into the heart of darn near everyone that he comes across. With his little shaved blonde head (he will NEVER have long hair due to two cowlicks at his crown that meet in the middle and one on each side of his forehead as well - thank God he wasn't a girl with that hairline) and his cute mis-pronounciations (he has troubles with C's and pronounces them as T's....i.e. cookies are tookies and a cat is a tat), he is one of the cutest and funniest kids I know (and yes, I'm totally biased)! He LOVES to talk....and talk....and talk, and HATES to sit still...... He is my little dancer and gymnast and has moves like you wouldn't believe! He has an imagination comparable to Disney and has enough theatrics that he should move to Hollywood! He loves to golf, play baseball, play football and play the Wii and he really likes to run around on the farm. He is insanely LOUD and wants things his way under his timing and can be the biggest handful of a child I have ever seen, insists on being the center of attention wherever we go, wants constant entertainment, and has the ability to be naughty on a daily basis....ya know, typical stuff for a guy his age. (If this does not strike you as typical, please do not fill me in - let me live in my little dream world with clouds with silver linings....'kay, thanks!)

Although Evan is about as active as any child could possibly be, he is actually quite insightful for someone about to turn 6. I love to talk to him and listen for those little expressions he has that change the way I look at the world in many ways. For example, one bright and beautiful day not that long ago, he and I were lying out in the yard looking at the clouds. As he gazed up into the blue sky he said just barely above a whisper, "It's a great day today...." Another time as we were sitting at the local pharmacy's old fashioned soda fountain enjoying an ice cream, he spun himself around on the stool with his cone of cookies n cream and said "I feel so alive today". I think back to that phrase often....I feel so alive today - if only everyone had that outlook, this world would be a different place!

The best thing about Evan from a mom's point of view is that he still loves to come in and snuggle up to me and be a mama's boy.....and believe me, I don't complain! I know that one day climbing up onto the couch with mom and holding her hand is going to be the last thing he wants to do, so I'm going to savor every moment! I'll savor all those soggy kisses (he LOVES to kiss...even "studies" kisses from tv shows and tries to replicate them - attention all moms of little girls - LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS in about 10 or 12 more years!!), I'll keep living for all of those "I love you so much Mommy" professions of love that come out of the blue, and will enjoy every back rub and shoulder massage that he wants to give me.
Everyday, it seems that I see a little bit more of that "little boy" disappear, and can catch glimpses in my mind of the type of man he will become. Although I'm sad that my little boy is getting older and won't be this way forever, I get excited for what he lies ahead for him. It is far to early to tell what his future holds at this point, but I'm sure he's going to do something to take the world by storm. In talking to his Sunday School teacher (God bless this woman) a few months back, she told me that she can not wait to see what he becomes when he's older. She also said something to me that I will never forget and will cherish for many days ahead - she told me that she has a feeling that Evan is going to change the world someday and that she can't wait to see him do it. (Thank you for that, Kim - as a parent that comment took my breath away)

So, until he grows up and becomes his own man, I'm going to enjoy and appreciate my little guy everyday. I'm going to laugh at his jokes, smile at his crooked smile and be proud that I'm the mom of "the best Evan Burk that there is in this world" (one of his favorite nicknames from me).

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