Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Same....But Different

So here I am with a couple months to go before my birthday the big 3-7 staring me in the face. I can't exactly believe I'm going to be THAT old, especially when there are days I feel like I'm still in high school! It does not seem possible that it was 18 years ago that I graduated from high seems like yesterday that I was walking those halls of good old DHS!

All of this thinking back to yester-year has made me stop and realize that yes, I am 36 years old and will be turning a year older in a matter of months , and that although I may FEEL like I was just in high school, the true reality is that it really has been 18 years! Times have changed, my friend, and I can attest to that. With this thought pattern, I give you my version of "The Same...But Different" things in my life may in some ways be the same, but how they really are quite different!

1. I still drive too fast.....only now I'm racing my kids to their activities, not my own!

2. I still color my hair....only now I'm working to cover the grays, not trying a new color for shock value!

3. I still listen to music too loud....only now I do it to embarass my children, not annoy my parents!

4. I still love to dance....only now my audience is my 3 year old and 5 year old, not at a dance recital with an audience of hundreds!

5. I am still a cheerleader....only now I'm in the stands cheering on my kids, not in front of the crowd cheering on a team!

6. I still love to go to parties....only now they're usually princess or race car-themed, not in the middle of a cornfield after dark!

7. I still have homework....only now it is more commonly referred to as housework and I'm not near as good at getting it done!

8. I still look forward to weekends....only now I look at 'em as time to get things done around the house, not as time to stay away from the house doing all kinds of things!

9. I still love driving my car....only now I drive a dark blue Pontiac Minivan, not a bright red Chevy Cavalier!

10. I still get an "allowance"....only now it's called a paycheck and I have to work for it, not get it "just because I need money"!

So, in looking at the list I've compiled, I understand why, in some ways, I still feel like a kid.....but when I look deeper, I see that yes, it is true, although things may be the same, they are also very different!

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