Monday, August 10, 2009

I Sure Do Love Him

He is a very conscientious, detail-oriented, goal-driven, get-things-done-now kind of person. He's a worker, a talker, a never-sit-down guy. This drives me nuts....irriatates me....infuriates me....sometimes it even makes me want to scream!

I am conscientious and a point! I can be detail-oriented and a get things done now kind of person...when the occasion strikes me as being such! I'm sort of a worker (depending on the job to be done), but I will never classify myself as a talker and will never be called a never-sit-down gal....nope, that's just not me! I'm sure that these things about me drive him nuts....irritate him...infuriate him....and sometimes, I know for sure, makes him want to scream!

Who would've thought that 8 year ago, a blind date would turn into a marriage, four kids, and a whole lot of adventures - especially when we are so completely opposite from each other! Who would've thought that we could mold our individual personalities into the personality of husband and wife and ride the waves of many storms to arrive today at our 7th anniversary.

I still remember when a mutual friend tried to move heaven and earth to set us up on a date.....the only reason she had to try SO hard is because she started with the wrong person - she started with me. Keeping in mind that I have already described myself as NOT a talker, our "match-maker" slipped me a note (which I still have tucked in my jewelry box to this day) describing the man she believed to be my soul-mate, along with his phone number. "Call him" she kept telling me. Yeah, don't think so, but thanks for trying.

For three weeks I kept trying my best to change the subject when she would bring up his name and ask if I'd called him yet....been really busy, not really looking for a relationship, can't seem to find that phone number. Finally, she gave up on me....she called him one night and told him he needs to call me. Shortly afterwards, my phone rang...about 10:30 one night....and it was Chad. (Remember, I did label him early as a get things done now kind of guy) We talked that night for FOUR HOURS...did I mention he was a talker? The next night we talked again for several hours and then again the next night. Craziness...I had never seen this guy, but knew more about him than other guys that I had dated in the past. Finally after about 12 hours of conversation, we decided maybe we should see what each other looks like. Let me tell ya.....I was shakin' in my boots. I was enjoying the conversation, but what if that was the only thing I enjoyed? I'm thinkin' that Chad was feeling the same way about me because he suggested that maybe we should "meet first" before we go on an official date....just to make sure we even want to go on a date! (Does that even make a bit of sense?)

Well, the time came for us to "meet"...which to me still seemed like a "date" except he came to my house and I cooked dinner for him instead of going to a restaurant and him footing the bill (hint my sarcastic tone here). Obviously, we must've seen something in each other, because from that little meet-up 'til now, we've rarely been apart.

That was January forward to August 10, 2002, and here we are getting married. It was quite a process to get there....a process that in many ways felt like a year long test. Chad was a farmboy all his life and I was a towngirl. He kept insisting to me that life is different on the farm....and I don't think he thought I could mesh into the life very well. He had told himself that he would never get married to anyone until he has dated them for at least a year.....because he wanted to see how his potential bride would deal with a relationship that covered all 4 farm seasons....planting (when he's around some of the time), spraying (when he's around a bit more than before), harvest (when he's never around) and winter (when he's always around). Good theory to him but absolutely insane to me.....until we reached harvest time and just about gave up. At that point I could kind of see exactly why he had devised his year-long plan....if farm-life isn't something you're used to, harvest time is going to put a cramp in your style! No more going out and talking on the phone before bed....if I wanted to see him, I needed to be prepared to spending time in a combine and eating sandwiches in the field. Also, his attention was no more directed toward me, but to his crop and his equipment....THAT was really hard to handle! But, like I said, fast-forward to August 2002....I made it - I passed the test! We got married at his church during a candlelight service. The church was packed and the reception hall was filled.

Now, here we are celebrating seven sometimes difficult, sometimes wild years together. We've been through many ups-births of children, job changes, awesome vacations-and many downs- the deaths of both of Chad's parents, the arguments, financial struggles-but through it all, we've done it together....and there's no one else in the world I would rather have been with through it all.

Chad is my best friend. He's the first person I want to talk to when something great happens and the first person I want to run to when I'm so frustrated I want to cry. There is no one else on God's great Earth that I would want to remain with for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. He is and forever will be a big part of me.

We've shared many ups and downs and twists and turns along the way, but all of that has shaped us into the family that we are. There will be more laughter and tears and challenges to
face, but with you by my side, I'm ready for the ride! My only regret is that you didn't come into my life sooner so that we would have more time together on this side of heaven!

He is a very conscientious, detail-oriented, goal-driven, get-things-done kind of person. He's a worker, a talker, a never-sit-down guy. This drives me nuts....irritates me....infuriates me....sometimes even makes me want to scream....and DEFINITELY makes me love him more and more everyday.

I love you, honey, and there is no where else I'd rather be than in our little corner of the world, spending my life with you and our kids.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I ever knew how the 2 of you met....that was so cute! :) I remember Chad talking about his 1-year rule....and yes, harvest is a time all of its own.

    Well, I'm glad you've joined the family! Can't wait to see what happens in the next 7 years. :) (You'll have children going to college!)
