Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life's Little Instructions

We got a new camera.....two years ago. The reason that I spent the money on this particular model was because it came with all the bells and whistles. You can just put the thing on auto and it will take great pictures, or you can manually set the aperature or shutter speed. You can change the meter, you can do continuous shooting, you can even turn it into a video camera. I knew this was just what our family needed....it can do it all!

Well, like I said, I got that camera two years ago and have taken thousands of great shots....all on the auto setting. Never once did I venture away from the security of the "auto" setting to see what all this camera could do. Matter of fact, I totally forgot that I could do all of those fancy things - I was just so satisfied with the status quo.

Three days ago, I was cleaning out our hall closet and came across the box for this camera and inside it was a book entitled "Camera User Guide" still wrapped in plastic. Looking for any excuse to get out of closet clean-up, I pulled up a chair and started reading. Once again, I was reminded of all the fun things that I could be doing but wasn't with that camera. I read the book, then re-read the book, then grabbed my camera and headed outside. It took a little bit of tweaking and practice, but before long I was understanding tidbits about shutter speed and aperature. I was figuring out how to take panoramic pictures and how to take photos in black and white and sepia tone. I had so much fun walking around the farm, shooting pictures, and being amazed at all the capabilities that I had, literally in the palm of my hand.

As I was sitting there changing the setting to "continuous shooting", I was thinking to myself about how ridiculous I was, settling to just use the "auto" feature when I could have been doing so much more. That's when the thought came to me....isn't that just like so many of us in our daily walk? Isn't there a little bit in everyone that just "accepts" what they've been dealt, never reaches out for anything more than what is already there? Doesn't try to see beyond the mountain to what is on the other side? I've been there...alot.

Just like I found out with this camera, if you find the User Guide and study it, great things can happen. For me, that "User Guide" is the Bible. Too many times I tend to put my life on auto pilot and just "let the chips fall where they may". I don't take the time to read and re-read and then head outside and practice. I don't take the time to dive into the Scriptures, think about the lesson to be learned and then apply it to my life. I'm too busy trying to move the mountains on my own that I forget how much more beautiful and fulfilling life can be if I just sit back and invite my Savior in.

My wish for each of you is to find your instruction manual...don't just be satisfied with the mediocrity of going through life on "auto". Invite something bigger than yourself in to show you all that your life is capable of. I can guarantee you, you will not be disappointed.


  1. Loved this, Jess. So very true. I stay on auto a lot, just to keep things nice and safe. But sometimes nice and safe is a synonym for dull and boring...

  2. What a great comparison, Jess! We don't use the Bible nearly enough as a "User Guide" to help us make the most of our lives. Thanks for sharing this, and I'm glad I ran across it!

  3. This is so true Jess!!! You should send this story in to a magazine or chicken soup for the soul or some other kind of motivational book.
